Submitted by Aung San U on Mon, 10/05/2020 - 12:16

Facebook management team is destroying Democracy in Myanmar.
Facebook management team is destroying Democracy in Myanmar.

Facebook management team is destroying Democracy in Myanmar.

  1. Facebook management team helped the NLD government support media that use Facebook to create fake news and hate speech to interfere in the 2020 Myanmar election.
  2. Facebook management team blocked the Myanmar Citizen from criticizing the current government's unethical behavior.
  3. Facebook management team blocked the accounts of patriotic intellectuals sharing political knowledge with Myanmar Citizens.
  4. Facebook management team controls the Myanmar opposition party's campaign to canvass votes through Facebook page.
  5. While the world is supporting Myanmar to move towards democracy Facebook management team is the killer of Myanmar’s Democracy.
  6. Please help Myanmar stop Facebook management team from killing Myanmar's Democracy.